Our Breastfeeding Journey: Going 3 years!

C is currently feeding as I write this intro. I am thrilled to begin another chapter of my blogsite with topics about parenthood and family! My final entries were about the wedding preparations that we were doing leading up to the actual wedding day. And now, here we are! 5 years later, breastfeeding my toddler who is turning 3 next month, amidst a global pandemic. 

I would like my come-back entry to be about a topic that is really close to my heart, literally and figuratively.  Let us talk about BREASTFEEDING.

If you are a new parent struggling to breastfeed, and you have landed on this page, let me tell you that everything you do matters, and everything is worth it. I promise. Keep going.

Padede mom anywhere :)

Breastfeeding struggle in the early days

I gave birth via C-Section, and breastfeeding C for the first two weeks of his life has been one of the most challenging periods of my life, aside from the awful sleep deprivation. Our main problem is his latch. He couldn't latch properly. Fortunately, I am blessed with an abundant milk supply, but improper latch made it difficult for C to feed properly. 

C's baptism, 3 mos old
With situations like this, do not be afraid to seek the help of professionals. The earlier, the better. We sought the help of a lactation consultant and it was one of the best decisions ever. 
I was already engorged with milk at that time, and the LC gave me a lactation massage to express the milk. That helped a lot, it like "decongested" my milk ducts and made it easier for C to learn to latch and get some milk.

As an alternative when C couldn't really feed, we cup fed him. We cup fed him when I couldn't anymore soothe his cries of hunger, when he couldn't latch properly. It was the most awful feeling when your baby is hungry and tried to feed, but ends up crying and crying because he couldn't get milk. I cannot emphasize enough how stressful that was for me, and for most moms who experience the same. I will post more about the cup feeding topic soon.

My mom was instrumental in my success to breastfeed C. She would help me when she visited at home, and would also storm the Heaven with prayers. As well as my husband, who was very hands-on with C, and his cup feeding - he can even do this by himself.

After two weeks, we finally made it out of the tunnel!!! C was finally latching easily, it was the most normal thing. I am thankful because I have never experienced cracked or sore nips from breastfeeding, even up until now.

Working Mom x Breastfeeding Mom

Fast forward to the time that I have to get back to work after my maternity leave. I was determined to provide C with only breastmilk even when I had to get back to work, so I purchased all the gadgets and stuff I need to collect milk in my work place. I express milk twice while at work, in the morning (because I used to go to the office really early) and during or right after lunch time. I am fortunate to be able to do this at work, and I am really really grateful for that.

Everything I have used and how I did it I will discuss on a separate post. It took commitment, hard work and patience to breastfeed your little one while working, and I salute all fellow moms who are trying to do the same. Really, it's something you cannot put a price on. 💗

Diamond Boobs Award

My goal was to exclusively feed C with my breastmilk for at least the first 6 months of his life, but I was able to go on until his 1st birthday until we needed to supplement him with formula milk for 2 months. After this short period I was able to bounce back in my breastmilk collecting game, and we never looked back to formula milk since. I have never imagined that I would be able to breastfeed him for this long, given that I was working full time when he was born. "Diamond Boobs" is the highest award for breastfeeding 2 years and up - just for fun! I am sure you've read about this funny breastfeeding award system before. Now C is almost 3 years old, and I am still breastfeeding him - in fact right at this moment as I end this post. 😊 Diamond Boobs it is. ⟢

If you are struggling with breastfeeding and you think that what you've been doing is not enough, it is enough. If you have tried your very best, no matter how long you were able to breastfeed, you did enough, Mama. 💝

What breastfeeding topics do you want to read about?

Got some questions about breastfeeding? I will try my best to answer them based on my own personal experience and learning. Comment them down below 😘

I am now a MOM, and I can't wait to tell you about it!

I am now a MOM. A mom of a curious and energetic toddler. There have been so many changes in our lives, in my life, from the last time I have published an entry in this blogsite - formerly MoniqueDeJesus.com. My last entries were about our wedding supplier reviews, a few other tips from the wedding, and our honeymoon trip. 5 and a half years ago! A lot has changed in me since then. A lot has changed in the world.

I am thrilled to be back writing in my own little space (when my toddler is napping).


Wedding Series: Stress-free Entourage Outfits Organization

It's been a while! I have been struggling to find time to continue the wedding series, finally I get to sit down and start on it again. It has been one year since we got married, and there are so much I would love to share that might be able to help out upcoming brides. Let me start on the outfits of our entourage, and how we managed to make this part of our wedding planning stress-free and fun.

Our Entourage

The usual wedding practice when it comes to the entourage outfits was the entourage members pay for their own. The bride and groom usually are the ones who coordinate the making or ordering of these outfits. When it comes to the guys, it's a lot easier since the couple does not usually have to worry about it as the guys simply need to get their own suits or barongs - the look is pretty standard. Unless there is a specific outfit that the couple would want to have custom-made for them to wear. On the other hand, ladies's outfits are more meticulous because these are, more often than not, custom-made to match the motif or theme of the wedding. This part right here of the wedding planning could be tedious.

Coron Palawan and the Honeymooners!

If there's one thing I can tell you about Coron, Palawan it's this - it won't disappoint! And with our 5-day trip, it surely didn't! For five days our eyes, hearts, souls and tummies were filled with all things positive, beautiful and delicious. This was our overdue honeymoon trip, and we would not have it anywhere else!

Wedding Preps Series: My Supplier Reviews and Ratings

It's been a while! It's been months since I have blogged about anything. After the wedding, my husband and I have been so pre-occupied with stuff about our new home - buying furniture, appliances, and some improvements that we had to / wanted to make. In fact, as of this very moment while I am in front of my laptop, a "family carpenter" (if there is such thing) of Yan's is currently working on the back splash of our kitchen counter. We still have a lot to accomplish and we are taking it one step at a time.  Not to mention the adjustment that we both had to go through after we moved in. The cleaning, cooking, paying, taking care of everything. Ok, enough of the home making chika, I will discuss about this on separate posts soon, I'll proceed to the reviews and ratings of our wedding suppliers.

Our wedding has been so fun and memorable, thanks to our friends and families, and of course to our suppliers. It would not have been as fun and organized without their help and expertise. I am so grateful that God has led us to these wonderful suppliers, I can say that we have made the right decision in getting each of them. Here are my honest reviews and ratings of them to help other bride-to-be's in their decisions.

Our Breastfeeding Journey: Going 3 years!

C is currently feeding as I write this intro. I am thrilled to begin another chapter of my blogsite with topics about parenthood and family!...

About Me

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Manila, Philippines
Hi, I am Monique, and you have found my safe space - welcome to the community of modern parenthood! I am a mom of a very curious and active toddler, a breastfeeding advocate, and a money-savvy mommy. I am a Communications Specialist, worked as a jet-setter Events & Promotions Manager for a decade for a multi-national company. I have earned my Masters in Marketing Communications at De La Salle University Manila.